Thank You For Helping Thanksgiving's Heroes!

Thanksgiving Heroes is a nonprofit organization with a simple mission to rally thousands of troops of volunteers across Utah to feed families in need full meals on Thanksgiving.

A single warm holiday meal might not seem like much, but when you are struggling to scrape enough money together just to pay your monthly rent, the thought of filling a family’s bellies with a Thanksgiving feast is unfathomable.

Growing up, Thanksgiving Heroes’ founder Rob Adams knew this feeling intimately. There was a time when his parents couldn’t afford Thanksgiving dinner for his family. Thankfully, their holidays during those times were brightened by generous friends, who fed them at their lowest points.

The experience made Rob promise to pay that generosity forward by never letting another family go hungry on Thanksgiving. He founded Thanksgiving's Heroes through his real estate firm Bowen Adams in Salt Lake City to fulfill this promise.

Today, we provide opportunities for “Thanksgiving Heroes” in cities around the U.S. to deliver full Thanksgiving Meals with smiles and hugs to thousands of American families experiencing need. Our Thanksgiving dinners feed an entire family of five for a week with a turkey and all the familiar trappings of the holiday, including potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, pie, and other traditional Thanksgiving goodies.

Our ultimate mission is to ensure that no American family goes hungry on Thanksgiving while celebrating the powerful hope, gratitude, and goodness of humanity when we come together to share with one another.

Please click any/all of the options below to help us feed 2500 families in Utah a full Thanksgiving Dinner this year!

Donate Time (Become a volunteer)

Donate Funding

(Help fund the outreach)

Nominate A Family In Need.

There are many ways you can become a Hero.

On delivery day, we need an army of volunteers who can meet at our distribution HUB and help sort, group and then deliver the food.

If you are interested in working with our board and giving your time between now and November, please also use the link below to volunteer and we'll find a way to make use of your talents!

There are many ways you can become a Hero.

We are constantly looking for corporate sponsors, community involvement, and individual donors. If you want to donate, please use the link below. 100% of your donation is used for feeding our community. Nobody involved in this effort receives a salary or any kind of compensation for their efforts. We are completely made up of volunteers

If you own or work for a company that may be interested in making a monetary donation or a donation of food or other products that could go to the families, please use reach out to us at the link below and we'll be in contact with you shortly.

There are many ways you can become a Hero.

Do you know a family that could use a little help this year for Thanksgiving? Please fill out the form below for a family in need and we will do our best to deliver a Thanksgiving meal to them on Saturday, November 21st!

Please keep in mind, deliveries are made randomly. The nominator does not deliver to the nominee. Thanks!

Thanksgiving's Heroes LLC

email us:

©2020 by Thanksgiving's Heroes.